Infusion Benefits

 Myers Cocktail Ingredients

Here’s a look at some of the nutrients inside this popular wellness infusion:

Calcium is an essential ingredient for strong bones and healthy skin. It is especially important for women to get enough calcium on a regular basis since they are more prone to osteoporosis than men.

Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in more than 300 different biochemical reactions. Magnesium and the B vitamins are necessary in controlling digestion, absorption, and the utilization of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. A deficiency in these necessary nutrients can lead to hypoglycemia, anxiety, and obesity. Magnesium deficiencies are common in many people, particularly among women and people who are dieting.

B Vitamins are eight distinctively different vitamins that your body needs to perform a wide array of important functions. They are essential for turning food into energy and in making the neurotransmitters in your brain that are responsible for your mood. Mood imbalances, digestion problems, and exhaustion can result from B vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin C, as many people know, plays a key role in protecting the human body against infections and disease including the common cold, cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, and eye disease. It is also essential in synthesizing collagen in the skin and as an antioxidant.

The Benefits of a Myer’s Cocktail IV are well documented, especially its effective treatment of headaches, fatigue, mood disorders, and circulatory issues. If you are interested in this treatment or have questions, we hope you’ll reach out to us for more information.

Multi-Amino Acid-6


– The Most Abundant Amino Acid
Of the 20 amino acids, there’s one that your body uses far more than any other. L-glutamine – and that means we get more benefits from L-glutamine too.

Often referred to only as glutamine, without the ‘L’, this amino acid makes up about 30% of the amino acid nitrogen in your blood. It’s known as a conditional amino acid because the body uses so much L-glutamine, it needs to supplement its own production with L-glutamine from your diet.

More than most amino acids, L-glutamine helps to promote weight loss, fat burning and muscle building. But, as more and more research is conducted into the effect of amino acids on our bodies, particularly L-glutamine, we’re always learning more about L-glutamine’s benefits. Here are just a few:

1. Helps Heal Leaky Gut
As unfortunate as that name sounds, leaky gut means exactly that, a permeability of the walls of the intestine. In a study published in the Lancet, glutamine was shown to ‘prevent deterioration of gut permeability and preserve mucosal structure.”

That ability to strengthen intestinal walls also makes glutamine effective in healing intestinal ulcers and promoting better digestion.

2. Improves Energy & Athletic Performance
If you feel really drained following exercise, it could be because your body isn’t producing enough glutamine and you need to supplement that production. One hour of exercise can cause a 40% reduction in glutamine levels in your body.

3. Burns Fat & Boosts Metabolism
While many people link a higher metabolic rate with fat burning, there is not necessarily a direct connection between the two. Glutamine literally burns fat by prompting the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH). The new muscle growth that results is fueled in part by the fat stores in the body.

When using a glutamine supplement, HGH levels can increase over 300%, a response that leads to an increase in resting metabolic rate.

3. Promotes Weight Loss
In addition to the fat burn from increased HGH production and metabolic rates, studies have linked glutamine with the loss of fat in overweight people. One study concluded that use of glutamine supplements leads to an increase in lean body tissue and a decrease in the circumference of the abdomen. L-glutamine is also known to help control appetite.”

Benefits of L-arginine

  • growth hormone reserve test.

  • reducing high blood pressure.

  • correcting inborn errors of urea synthesis.

  • treating heart disease.

  • treating erectile dysfunction (ED)

  • easing inflammation of the digestive tract in premature infants.

  • controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes.

Benefits of L-Leucine

There are several ways in which leucine supplementation can be helpful.

Weight Loss

First, let’s talk about the most popular benefit. Leucine has proven to be quite effective as a weight-loss supplement. The good news is that it doesn’t act as a stimulant like many other diet supplements. Instead, it works on the chemistry of your body in a subtle and natural way.

Your body gets energy from a variety of sources, but most of it comes in the form of proteins, fat, or carbs. The carbohydrates are converted in glucose, which functions as a source of quick and easy energy. This is why many trainers will tell you to front-load with plenty of carbs before a hard day’s workout. The purpose is to ensure that you have enough energy to get through the day.

Protein is processed differently because it’s harder to digest. Thus, the body goes into an energy-saving mode. As a consequence, the hunger response is significantly dulled. This is why a high-protein diet is more filling and why it helps with weight loss. It reduces cravings for food throughout the day. Leucine is particularly useful for this purpose.

Muscle Recovery

Like all amino acids, leucine has been proven to be quite beneficial for promoting muscle recovery. You see, muscles only grow because you are damaging them. Every time you lift, you are creating micro-tears in your muscle tissue. This tearing may sound bad, but it’s a good thing because it forces your muscles to rebuild themselves, and they will build themselves larger and stronger than before. Thus, muscle development is partially the result of an immune response.

Once you understand how that works, you can take control of the process. This study should give you an idea of how you can accomplish that. Using laboratory rats, they showed that leucine supplements could decrease muscle soreness brought about by strenuous exercise. However, the news gets even better. They also found that a dose of leucine right after the workout would increase the rate of muscle protein synthesis. Strenuous exercise usually leads to a temporary decrease in the rate of muscle protein synthesis, which is why it’s better to take amino acids (like leucine) right after a workout. They will quickly bump your protein synthesis level back up to where it should be.

Diabetic Benefits

There is also evidence to suggest that leucine could be helpful in the management and prevention of diabetes. These results may be the most promising thing in the whole article. We already knew that leucine was good for weight loss, and most people know that people with diabetes need to keep their weight down for safety reasons. However, regular doses of leucine were also shown to reduce hyperglycemia and other metabolic imbalances. No one seems to understand why leucine does this, but other studies have also corroborated these findings.

It also stimulates wound healing and pro uces growth hormones

What Is Ornithine?

In the world of amino acids, ornithine is unusual. It doesn’t directly make proteins, and you don’t need to eat it in your diet, but it’s absolutely necessary for you to stay alive. How can that be?

Well, you don’t need to eat it because you can make your own. It’s important for life because it helps detoxify ammonia before it leaves the body. High levels of ammonia in the blood can cause all kinds of health problems, including cognitive defects and personality changes.


  • Accelerates recovery times after exercise

  • Helps manage chronic liver disease

  • Improves wound (and especially burn) healing

  • May improve hangover recovery


  • Glycine helps your body make glutathione, an important antioxidant that protects your body against cell damage.

  • Glycine is a component of creatine, a compound that provides your muscles with energy and has been associated with other health benefits, such as improved bone health and brain function.

  • Glycine is the most abundant amino acid in collagen, a structural protein that has several health benefits, including for your skin, joints and bones.

  • Glycine may promote sleep and enhance the quality of your sleep through its calming effects on the brain and its ability to lower core body temperature.

  • Glycine may reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on your liver by preventing inflammation.

  • Glycine may lower heart disease risk factors by preventing the build-up of a molecule associated with heart disease and by increasing your body’s ability to use nitric oxide.

  • Supplementing with glycine may improve impaired insulin action, a hallmark of type 2 diabetes.

  • Glycine may preserve muscle mass in wasting conditions, such as cancer, malnutrition and burns

Benefits of L-Taurine

  • Promoting healthy metabolism. ...

  • Protecting the eyes. ...

  • Protecting the heart. ...

  • Protecting the muscles. ...

  • Protecting against brain aging. ...

  • Protecting against neurological conditions. ...

  • Improving exercise performance. ...

  • Improving markers of diabetes….

Multi-Trace Mineral-6

Magnesium Benefits

Magnesium involved in more than 600 reactions in your body, including:

  • Energy creation: Helps convert food into energy.

  • Protein formation: Helps create new proteins from amino acids.

  • Gene maintenance: Helps create and repair DNA and RNA.

  • Muscle movements: Is part of the contraction and relaxation of muscles.

  • Nervous system regulation: Helps regulate neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system.

  • Magnesium Fights Depression. ...

  • It Has Benefits Against Type 2 Diabetes. ...

  • Magnesium Can Lower Blood Pressure. ...

  • It Has Anti-Inflammatory Benefits. ...

  • Magnesium Can Help Prevent Migraines. ...

  • It Reduces Insulin Resistance

Calcium Gluconate

It is a foundation for bone structure and occurs naturally in several forms and in many foods. 

Muscle contraction and nerve conduction rely on a proper balance of potassium and calcium in the blood and body tissues.

Zinc Chloride

Zinc is one of the most important nutrients that we need in our diets. It’s involved in a number of important bodily functions on a daily basis, including our hormonal production, the growth and development of our bones, our immunity, and our digestion.

Zinc also has a number of acute benefits on its own, such as managing inflammation and helping to promote sexual health.

Zinc is one of the few nutrients that is actually present in all of our body tissues.

It’s also necessary for cell division, an important process that determines how well and how quickly we can grow on a physical level.

People who suffer from sexual dysfunction can often experience some benefit by supplementing zinc because the mineral is so powerful in regard to helping restore balance to our hormonal system.This is because zinc is involved in the production of our most important sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

  • Managing Hormonal Health

  • Fights Oxidation

  • Enhances Immunity

  • Helps Fight Diabetes

  • Enhances Cardiovascular Health

  • Enhances Digestive Health

  • Enhances Fertility

  • Ensures Proper Protein Absorption

  • Enhances Liver Health

  • Enhances Muscle Health


  • Providing antioxidants

  • Supporting bone health

  • Reducing blood sugar

  • Healing wounds

  • Helps Reduce Inflammation


Copper is an essential nutrient for the body. Together with iron, it enables the body to form red blood cells. It helps maintain healthy bones, blood vessels, nerves, and immune function, and it contributes to iron absorption. Sufficient copper in the diet may help prevent cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, too.


  • Acts as a powerful antioxidant.

  • May reduce your risk of certain cancers.

  • May protect against heart disease.

  • Helps prevent mental decline.

  • Is important for thyroid health.

  • Boosts your immune system.

  • May help reduce asthma symptoms.

  • Can reset the circadian rhythm

  • Improves mood

Other Nutrients

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

The antioxidant properties of alpha-lipoic acid have been linked to several benefits, including lower blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation, slowed skin aging, and improved nerve function.

Alpha-lipoic acid can also recycle "used" antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and a potent amino acid compound known as glutathione.

Some claim that ALA may help people lose weight. For example, one study on an animal model found that ALA could improve skeletal muscle energy metabolism, possibly increasing how many calories the body can burn.

Oxidative stress occurs naturally with age. As well as playing a role in the development of heart disease, it also plays a critical role in brain health and memory loss.

According to a study in participants with Alzheimer’s disease, ALA may slow the progression of the condition.


 Lysine plays major roles in protein synthesis, hormone and enzyme production and the absorption of calcium. It’s also important for energy production, immune function and the production of collagen and elastin.

  • May Protect Against and Treat Cold Sores by Blocking Arginine. ...

  • May Reduce Anxiety by Blocking Stress Response Receptors. ...

  • May Improve Calcium Absorption and Retention. ...

  • Can Promote Wound Healing by Helping Create Collagen. ...


The benefits of glutathione  include:

  • Antioxidant activity.

  • Preventing cancer progression.

  • Reducing cell damage in liver disease.

  • Improving insulin sensitivity.

  • Reducing symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

  • Reducing ulcerative colitis damage.

  • Treating autism spectrum disorders.
